The Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology (ISBTI) was established in October 1972 as a result of the deliberations of 56 committed social activists who had assembled in Chandigarh for a conference on voluntary blood donation to meet the felt need of blood during war like situations. The immediate cause was Indo Pak war in 1971. The society was formed with the object of improving the unsatisfactory state of blood banking and to motivate people on a very large scale for voluntary blood donation in the country. It was also intended to bring about co-ordination of all agencies running voluntary blood transfusion services. Starting with a group of 89 members only, at present there are 5642 members and new members keep adding. ISBTI is a Non Profit Voluntary Organization registered under the Societies Registration Act since1973 and operating PAN India through its Zonal Councils and State Chapters. Keeping in view the National Blood Policy of India, ISBTI carries out activities throughout the country as stipulated in the National Guidelines for voluntary blood donation.
“Safe blood should be waiting for the patient...
.... not the patient for the safe blood”
“To achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation and to attain
Quality Standards in Blood Transfusion Services”
Leadership and Committees

National President
Dr. Yudhbir Singh

Secretary General
Dr. Sangeeta Pathak

Dupty President
Dr. T.R Raina

Dupty President
Dr. Satish Kumar

Deputy President (Medical)
Dr. Kulbir Kaur

Dr. Mohit Chowdhry

Editor Asian Journal of Transfusion Science (AJTS)
Dr. Jayashree Sharma

Editor (Jai Rakat Data)
Dr. Santlal Pachar

- Chairperson Rajasthan Chapter
Dr. Ved Prakash Gupta

Zonal Chairperson, West Zone
Dr. Yazdi M. Italia
Contact Information
Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology#946, 1st Floor, Sector 16-17,
Hisar-125001 (Haryana)
Email :,
Phone : 01662-245343, +91-70154-15343